Pretty Boys and Handsome Girls vs. Red Fox

TeamGamesWinsLossesWin-%Scored Scored/gameLet scoresLet scores/gameGoal difference
Pretty Boys and Handsome Girls 1 1 0 100.0 % 15 15.0 6 6.0 9
Red Fox 1 0 1 0.0 % 6 6.0 15 15.0 -9

Played games

Pretty Boys and Handsome Girls - Red Fox15 - 6CUC 2019 Mixed: Pool C


1 Kyle ThomsonPretty Boys and Handsome Girls1224
2 Jean-Daniel DubéRed Fox1213
3 Liam SawatzkyPretty Boys and Handsome Girls1213
4 Heather HermsPretty Boys and Handsome Girls1123
5 Will KonradPretty Boys and Handsome Girls1303
6 Oren BinnunPretty Boys and Handsome Girls1303
7 Nathan WilsonPretty Boys and Handsome Girls1022
8 Simon LambertRed Fox1202
9 Samuel BeardsellPretty Boys and Handsome Girls1022
10 Josh KerrPretty Boys and Handsome Girls1202
11 Judith EllysonRed Fox1011
12 Antoine MailhotRed Fox1101
13 Sarah HermsPretty Boys and Handsome Girls1011
14 Selina LiangPretty Boys and Handsome Girls1011
15 Roxane Héroux-LegaultRed Fox1011
16 Jada LimPretty Boys and Handsome Girls1011
17 Amélie Bernier-GirardRed Fox1011
18 Hillary RempelPretty Boys and Handsome Girls1011
19 Matthew PagéPretty Boys and Handsome Girls1101
20 Braxton McIntoshPretty Boys and Handsome Girls1011
21 Carissa NessPretty Boys and Handsome Girls1101
22 Ethan ChochinovPretty Boys and Handsome Girls1011
23 Philippe GendronRed Fox1011
24 Barbara ReddickRed Fox1000
25 Jonathan RuelRed Fox1000
26 Marianne ThibodeauRed Fox1000
27 Florence FallonRed Fox1000
28 Antoine LambertRed Fox1000
29 Sara St-JeanRed Fox1000
30 Samuel De CariaPretty Boys and Handsome Girls1000
31 Vincent LamoureuxRed Fox1000
32 Stephen McManusRed Fox1000
33 Samuel DubeRed Fox1000
34 Amber SteinkePretty Boys and Handsome Girls1000
35 El fatih JamalPretty Boys and Handsome Girls1000
36 Katherine HermsPretty Boys and Handsome Girls1000
37 Maddie SchwartzPretty Boys and Handsome Girls1000
38 Jarrett HammPretty Boys and Handsome Girls1000
39 Kaycee HuntPretty Boys and Handsome Girls1000
40 Shannon KleysenPretty Boys and Handsome Girls1000
41 William MedwickPretty Boys and Handsome Girls1000
42 Breanne YozenkoPretty Boys and Handsome Girls1000
43 Zack HawleyPretty Boys and Handsome Girls1000
44 Angelu Mae GalvezPretty Boys and Handsome Girls1000